Driving in Accra is...interesting, to say the least. Although I'm sure there ARE rules, they are not evident when observing the practices on the road. With that in mind, here are some observations about what the common practices are:
1. There are no rules.
2. Pedestrians take their lives into their hands every time they cross the street.
3. Speed limit signs are only decoration.
4. Red lights and stop signs are only suggestions.
5. Your horn is the most essential piece of equipment on your vehicle.
6. You need only be concerned with the front of your vehicle. Cars behind you must adjust accordingly.
7. Motorcycles/scooters can drive anywhere they want (between lanes, side walks, etc.)
8. In construction, see rule number one!
Glad to see you made it home safe, love the rules of the road, can't wait for the 101 things post....
Paula x