About This Blog

This blog is an account of the travels of three Canadians participating in the International Air Cadet Exchange to Ghana, Africa. The views and opinions stated herein are NOT a representation of the views, opinions or policies of the Canadian Forces, the Air Cadet League of Canada or the International Air Cadet Exchange Association.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cape Coast

Today we arrived at Cape Coast after a long bus ride (again). Along the way we stopped at a small village to tour an old fort that was settled by the British and then the Dutch and then the British again. Somewhere in the story the Germans, Portuguese, French and a few others were involved but I lost track. Inside the fort we could see the dungeons where the slaves were kept. It was very sad. A small room about 15x15 ft at the most could have up to 100 slaves. We heard the stories about the "chosen few" African women who were selected to be the "consorts" for the English/Dutch Governors and Officers and how if they had a baby they would be lucky enough to be put up in a house to look after the baby and so on.

We also brought some pencils, pens, stickers and such for the kids of the village. They loved them and smiled so much when we gave them out. But then we ran out and then it was really sad because we couldn't give them any more. The kids just kept asking and we kept on having to say no. :( But when we left, we left them with a couple of soccer balls courtesy of the UK contingent.

Then tonight was more social time for the cadets.

Here in Cape Coast we are staying at the University of Cape Coast. Let's just say that as far as the accommodations are concerned, we will be happy to return to Accra. Supper was pretty good though. The cadets had fries for the first time since arriving in Ghana!

Tomorrow, Cape Coast Castle.

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